Sunday, December 9, 2012


Hi guise, I've just ended my MSTs, hence begins my 3 week holiday!!! (-: The past week has been, I don't know, a little intense but not so much too? How do I explain this... I feel like I've actually learnt my lesson from my first semester in polytechnic, that every single test, and I mean every single one of 'em, is important. It's not like secondary school times anymore. No one's gonna be slacking away with you. Everyone's gonna be working their asses off for every single test to get their targeted GPA, and no one's gonna settle for a GPA less than 3.6. It actually feels like a dog eat dog world in here; at least I felt like that. Don't get me wrong though, friends here are really really nice and willing to help one another. I guess I actually feel pressured by everyone's motivation to want to do well, and I didn't even feel this way during O's really. So yup, even though it was a little last minute, I studied what I could, and managed to get through the week. Comparing this to my very first MST last semester, I swear I did so much more work for this one. Last MST's, I went for my tests with no idea what the hell I was scribbling on those pieces of paper honestly. I wrote stuff which i made up in my head, and things that made sense to me and only me. So, whatever marks I got didn't affect me much 'cause I had it coming, even though I was initially a little upset. As for this MST's, I actually knew what I was doing (proud of myself) hehe. But the bad thing was, the papers were easy, and for almost all of them, I had the "I know how to do this, but don't really know how" sort of feeling. It's okay if you don't get it, it's just sort of this unsure feeling. So yup, I made mistakes here and there, which are definitely gonna cost me quite a number of marks, which made me upset because if I were to do a little more thinking, and had been more careful, I would have definitely gotten them right but oh well )': Just gonna hope for the best next year! I feel like each year is passing by faster and faster. Time is really waiting for no one. Just hoping that things will get better over the years. Shall add some pictures to make this post less wordy.
Please ignore my awkward position. Just realised this is my first time posting pictures of my new friends hahahah Anyway, gonna make a post on FYI On Stage once I've got the instax scanned in :* And I can't wait to do some Christmas shopping! I predict myself to be splurging this month, but oh well I shall enjoy my holidays while it lasts (-:

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