Sunday, December 16, 2012

“We’re all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that’s all.”

you see us as you want to see us… in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. you see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal.  
(Source: kurtcobains)

So the first week of my holidays have passed, and I'm left with two weeks. I actually feel sort of zoned-out and I just want to stay home and watch shows, and prevent myself from spending any unnecessary money by going out (besides shopping ofc). I suddenly felt like watching some oldie movies and yes, I just watched The Breakfast Club. It's a really simple show, but rather intriguing too I'd say. Basically, the show's about how these 5 different stereotyped students change, just from a day's worth of detention. They realised that apart from all their differences, they're actually pretty much the same. I guess in reality, things, or people, are actually like that too.
You can literally count the number of characters casted in the movie. It actually amazes me how the hour and a half long movie solely revolves around the 5 kids, excluding the janitor and the bitchy teacher. The only characters I liked at the start, were Claire and Andrew I think because they seemed the most normal, and John Bender was funny but he acted like such a bitch. But halfway into the show, I liked all of them except Allison hahahah she was just so so weird but at the end you'll see that she's actually really pretty too (-:  I felt so glad for all of them to have become friends. I think I'm someone who likes happy endings in shows, but some people find such endings boring (I'd get why though). But I don't know, happy endings make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I'll be like "awwww". And I hate to admit it, but I can be such a sucker for romance sometimes -_- but I think almost everyone is right hahahah

Thinking of watching The Notebook again, because I don't get why everyone thinks it's really nice and people actually cries watching it but I'm just like 'meh'. Maybe I didn't actually watch it properly, so all I know is that it's about forbidden love, if I'm not wrong lol. And I may watch Sixteen Candles too, another 80's movie by John Hughes. And honestly, I don't feel all that excited for Christmas anymore because everything seems to be changing and I really miss my childhood )':
Oh and I definitely need to stop sleeping at 4am every single night.

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