Friday, October 9, 2015

What is Life

Basically me being v sick of work. I think I am allergic to assignments because every time I have to start on it, I procrastinate like hell (as you can see). Spend the entire day on my laptop but I basically ended up with at least ten different tabs in a single incognito window which I cannot close because I will eventually need all of them for a stupid essay. Oh yes, and I finally got hold of my new laptop aka a macbook, which I am pretty satisfied and happy with - apart from the fact that it's having issues with my home network, which actually gets on my nerve a lot. I am such a failure becus i can't even keep my blog regularly updated (signs of a failure). So here's a quick update for my future reference:

 I just turned 20 almost a month ago. Expected my life to be an exciting roller coaster of emotions with turning 20 and entering into a new school and bf entering into army and all but null. The only roller coaster of emotions I feel are the monthly PMS symptoms lel Depression and Angst and Joy and Annoyance are basically the emotions I felt within these 3 days, which I do not understand how one can feel so much in such a short span of time? Considering the fact that nothing major has happened in my life, by the way. Period is supposed to be in 2 weeks, so I'm honestly not sure if it's PMS or am I just crazy. University has been a little bit of a disappointment because it just isn't as enjoyable as I thought it would be. All I honestly want to do is just to go school, get over with submissions, and carry on with my every day life. Four years of this is going to be torturous but life is torturous as it is. I have just decided at this very moment that within these 4 years, I shall have a goal in mind to improve my skin condition, to be up to Singapore Airline's standards, and be able to fly upon graduation. Also, I really should start hitting a gym to vent out frustrations in life lel 

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