Monday, June 3, 2013


Well, guys, look how fast time has flown once again? Haven't made a post since the start of the term, and we're already at the end of it. It hasn't actually felt that long. And, I just wanted to say how I couldn't agree more with my previous post. I love it so much that I would favourite/reblog it over a million times if I could. Re-reading it over and over and over again just makes me feel so... hopeful/determined? I don't know, I can't seem to explain it. I just feel really, really good. Just so you know, I hate having to admit to being the sort who actually cares about what people have to say/think of me. But in case you couldn't tell, I'm learning to lose this horrible pride of mine, and do what I have to do. Screw what others say. Over the years, I've learnt to be more of me, and less of what others expect me to be. It has been a personal struggle of mine for some time now and you have no idea how glad I am to realise that I'm coming to terms with it. Things can only get better from here; I know it (-: 

And just some highlights in my life for the past months:
1. Braces
2. Industrial piercing
3. Met Chester See/MyChonny/David Choi/Wes

By the way, I would like to take this moment to appreciate and thank my lovely and encouraging brace-faced friends who stood with my constant complaining and whining on how scared I was with each trip to the dentist. It may last for another 2 weeks or so though, because I'll be extracting my teeth soon AND I'M SCARED HAHA Anyway, I luv u guys :*
Ending off with old pictures from Adventure Cove

Look at us losers hahahah Can't wait to go again hehe

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