Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pierce The Veil 15/2/13

Although I was literally suffocating throughout and thought I was gonna die, Pierce The Veil's concert was really awesome!! It's something that I can't really explain, but you'll have to be there to experience. The crowd was crazy although there was a lot, and I mean A LOT of pushing. I actually got separated from the bro and friends, so yes, I was basically alone for practically the whole concert hahahah but you wouldn't even bother since all you would wanna do is enjoy, but at the same time, get as close to the front as possible. Didn't really like it when people crowd surfed above me though, since I was already suffocating and they're just so damn heavy. By the end of it, everyone was literally drenched and soaked in sweat, like my hair and shirt; all wet from sweat. 

By the way, attending concerts have got to be the best thing ever because I really really really love listening to crowds singing along incredibly loudly during concerts. I get goosebumps from it and I just really really love it. Oh, and Vic posted our selfie on his instagram the following day omg I don't think anything can beat that, I thought I could just die in peace already hahahah So glad that I decided to go and super thankful for the bro who managed to get tickets for Jia An and I (":

// So this post has been lying in my draft for so many months now, and I'm finally publishing it. No idea why it took me so long. Anyway my love for Pierce The Veil has developed since, and I seriously love them to bits, like really.